donderdag 10 september 2009

De meest zinloze superkrachten

The ability to ejaculate watermelon seeds
The ability to phase through spiderwebs
The ability to command mushrooms with your thoughts
The ability to predict the present
The ability to eat rocks
The ability to rewind time back to 1 second
The ability to blink twice as fast as regular people
The ability to fly very very slowly
The ability to clap with one hand at a regular volume
The ability to immediately recall the dialogue for any episode of CSI Miami from second season The ability to enjoy the taste of sand
The ability to know how old a tree is when you are falling from a cliff
The ability to recount the lyrics to any song but only when hearing it
The ability to change the temperature of the room you're in by 1 degree
The ability to travel forward through time at the rate of 1 second per second
The ability to steal super powers in a world of normal people
The ability to have sex with a massive women without being crushed, but only if you're on top The ablility to change the color of eggs from white to white-gray
The ability to teleport to any country that starts with an X
The ability to recognize a TV show character, even when slightly photoshopped
The ability to speak and understand the secret earthworm language
The ability to form ice on Neptune.
The ability to kill inanimate objects with your mind.
The ability to breathe while submerged in lava
The abillity to turn Gold and Silver into Granite
The ability to bend spoons, but only if they are rubber

3 opmerkingen:

Dekbedovertrek zei

Zo'n krachten zou ik ook wel willen :-P

Noortje zei

Ik wist wel dat ik superwoman was :) Champignons doen namelijk alles wat is zeg...

Go Forth my minions! Let's take over the world!!

Jane zei

Champ-minions :D